
Types Of Concrete Bollards

Concrete bollards are considered as the safety guard of every busy road. They protect the walkers from car traffic. There was a time when all bollards used to look and function the same way. But that thing has changed now. Today there are huge varieties of concrete bollards that are different in shape, colours and functions. Here we will talk about such different types of concrete bollards like Cast iron Bollards to aluminium bollards that we get to see while walking in a road.

Aluminium bollards- If you are looking for something long-lasting yet beautiful then this is the right choice. An Aluminium bollard is generally lightweight but still very efficient to manage the foot traffic. It has a stunning outlook that beautifies the roads and at the same time protects the walkers in busy roads where car traffic is a serious threat.

Wood bollards- It’s a traditional yet super strong bollard. But today it’s rarely used on roads. Such bollards are made with high-quality wood which is quite expensive. These bollards are mainly used in amusement parks where beauty is a serious business. It helps to create a natural ambiance that goes well with parks, picnic spots and places like this.

Cast Iron type of bollards- Cast iron is the most preferred material when it comes to bollards. These Cast iron Bollards are highly superior in terms of strength and longevity. It’s heavy in weight and highly strong to provide complete security to the concrete posts. Also it has a stylish outlook which looks nice if installed in front of saloons, school campuses, restaurants, shopping malls and bars. So if we talk about the top concrete bollards the name of this iron bollard comes first.

Polyurethane Bollards- This bollard can resist literally any type of weather condition and still shine like the new one. It has a high resistance to UV rays. Also it runs for decades without any single need of maintenance. Also it’s a very cost effective choice as it’s pretty affordable in price range.

Steel bollards- This bollard runs long, serves well and looks nice. Steel is generally a lightweight material with high strength. This bollard is a good choice for parking areas, school campus, military grounds and more. This has high resilience towards moisture which makes it highly durable.

So, these are the top bollards that we get to see everywhere. All these bollards have high strength and serve their purpose well.