
Public To Benefit From Better Trained Door Staff

The public will be pleased to learn that tougher regulations are being introduced to ensure that all door staff are properly trained. Anyone wanting to renew their Security Industry Authority licence will have to undergo additional training aimed at improving their knowledge of how to deal with challenging situations.

It has never been more important to book onto security training courses which are run by fully established and authorised companies. SIA Competency Manager Tony Holyland explains:

Door staff are often the first people party-goers see on a night out to their local pub or club. As the night time economy has developed, the role of the door supervisor has changed. The additional mandatory skills will help door supervisors to handle situations, which can often involve resolving drink-fuelled disputes and escorting disorderly revellers off the premises. In highly-emotive situations, the door supervisor has to be able to protect the public and sometimes, him or herself from abuse. The new requirements will better equip door supervisors whilst they are on duty to do this in a safe manner.”

Anyone wanting to renew their licences is being urged to sign up to the additional SIA courses. With the regulations now in full effect, there is no doubt that door staff will have a much better chance of finding work if they can prove that they have all the necessary new training. The general public and door staff can only benefit from such regulations, and it will hopefully help ensure everyone can enjoy a night out.

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