
Membership Cards

Years ago, membership cards were confined to gyms and video shops. Today, all sorts of clubs and organisations hand them out. They are used as a way of quickly identifying members. However, they can also double up as a promotional tool or used to gather and store data about each member. To use them in this way membership cards have to include magnetic data strips or microchips.

Print Your Own Membership Cards

However, most clubs and organisations would not really benefit from holding extra data about their members. For them basic blank plastic cards are fine. Blank cards are cheap to buy, at less than a penny each. Using the right kind of printer unique cards can be printed for just a few pence each.

The design of membership cards is not hard to get right. You can either pay a graphic artist to come up with your background image or do it yourself using the software that came with your card printer. Printing your own cards gives you total control, making it easy to update your membership cards and change the design. They can also be used as business cards as well as to promote specific products or services.


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