
Know What To Expect With Close Protection Training

It’s easy to think you know what life as a bodyguard will be like. The role is almost glamorised in films and the media at large but the reality is actually quite different, and it’s important you know what to expect before you take the plunge. Close protection training will be a prerequisite for anyone looking to make it in the industry, and the right courses will be rooted firmly in reality so you have a much better understanding of what you’ll actually be doing on the job.

Any approved training course should focus on a number of core areas, so it’s important to look for those that meet your expectations. A few examples of the type of modules you’ll need to cover include:

• Unarmed combat
• Tactical driving
• Hostile and executive protection
• Reconnaissance
• Conflict management
• Interpersonal skills

… and many more besides. Ideally you’ll want to be trained under realistic conditions—pressure tested scenarios and live missions should be a core part of any training plan with both theoretical and practical knowledge needing to come together, ensuring you know the type of things you’ll come across when you’re a professional Close Protection Training.

It’s all about having the skills you need to prepare yourself for life in the industry, with plenty of practical, on-the-job tuition to ensure you’re ready for anything that could come your way. Undergoing the right kind of training will give you the skills, knowledge and above all the confidence you need, so make sure to seek suitable close protection courses and you’ll soon know what to expect in this most high-octane but rewarding of careers.

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