
Effective Drainage is Vital During Floods

Effective drainage systems are particularly important . While flooding has occurred throughout the ages, the last few years have seen particularly damaging and widespread floods affecting many parts of the country.

It’s no wonder then that so many individuals and businesses are turning to drainage pipe lining and repair specialists.

Highlighting the impact excessive rainfall has had on Britain recently, the Association of British Insurers (ABI) released figures suggesting that the cost of insurance claims relating to flood and storm damage for 2012 was £1.19 billion.

It also noted that last year was the wettest recorded in England and Wales and second wettest.

Insurers helped an average of more than 1,300 customers everyday to recover from extreme weather during the 365-day period and a total of 486,000 claims were made. The average payout for flood damaged properties, both domestic and commercial, was £18,200.

The ABI’s Nick Starling remarked: “Flooding is greatest natural threat facing the risk is rising so political consensus and commitment on investment in flood defences, sensible planning decisions and working with the insurance industry is essential”.

Thankfully, it is now easy for firms and consumers to access drain repairs  elsewhere and, as long as they know where to look, they can benefit from effective, speedy and inexpensive services. By making sure the drainage systems they have in place work properly, people stand to reduce the risk of flooding and minimise any damage caused by excessive rainfall.

One Comment

  1. Flooding can cause serious damage to homes and businesses. In order to minimize the damage, it is important to have effective drainage in place. Proper drainage can help to protect property from flood water and minimize the amount of time that it takes for the water to recede.

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