
Printed Plastic Cards As Loyalty Cards

There are many ways in which a business or organisation can benefit from printed plastic cards and one such way is to give loyalty cards to members and shoppers. Loyalty cards are a great addition to a branding program because they will remind card holders that you exist and that they have a reason to shop with you or to return to your establishment and use your services once again.

Loyalty point schemes are not only a reward for your regular customers or visitors; they also make an excellent addition to your branding and marketing campaigns. Whether you offer free gifts or money off purchases to those customers that return more often, you should find that you make more money per customer because customer retention rates will improve.

A loyalty card is a simple but highly effective means of managing your loyalty campaign. Every member receives their own card, typically with a magnetic strip or some other form of electronic data strip. Whenever they make a purchase or pay for entry their account is updated to include information on their latest purchases. What’s more, should they wish to spend their loyalty points, this too can be updated via the personalised loyalty card that they use.

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