
A Guide to Technical Job Search via Social Media Websites

A road map or global positioning system (GPS) has become very important in case you are not too sure of the roads, where you are going. It does not mean you need to follow the same pathway that it suggests, but keep it in mind that it help you in finding out the exact direction where to move! A job search is very much similar to this. The young generation job seekers make use of multiple electronic tools and software for all their queries, and it is the case with job search as well. It is important to know where to begin your search and get the correct direction, which takes you to your dream job as your final destination.

The big names

The social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter have become a very important exponent of establishing relationships between people and businesses. These websites have helped million of contacts to relate easily to each other, which mean a world of possibilities in every way, from emotional relationships to the job opportunities. These social networking sites websites have largely changed the way the software and IT companies recruit candidates by offering them the easiest way to identify and connect with passive job seekers, who never had access to such types of platforms and pave their way to take up jobs in Oracle and other reputed organizations.

The market analysts suggest that these passive job seekers were earlier dependent on the recruiters to find them. The job seekers had to contact their acquaintances, friends and colleagues to be aware of the available opportunities or respond to recruiting efforts. Now businesses can very easily contact the job seekers, and social media has brought about a revolution in this segment.

How businesses contact social media sites

Social media websites have been contacted largely by the recruiting software businesses, who integrate with the applicant tracking and assessments processes. Such online tools help the recruiters to post the openings on social sites automatically and use the special networks of the employees to search candidates. These tools are quite helpful in tracking social channels, and generate the maximum leads and result in get the best hires. A number of social networking websites offer mobile features, which help the applicants to check and apply for the available positions from their mobile devices.

Social media features are expected to be a permanent part of those software systems, which aid in the recruitment of candidates. However, the transformation rate is very low, even on global stage. The market analysts are witnessing some big consolidations in the marketplace because HR teams of the businesses are trying to get more into this space, while the service providers are figuring out the ways to improve the working of such software as per their client requirements.

Finding jobs via social networks

Since there is only one first impression, it is important to think through the strategy to be carried out to find work through social networks. To make it easier and doing it the right way, it is better to follow some steps:

Recommendations for a profile focused on job search

Around 56% of companies in the UK review the Facebook profiles of their candidates. This social network has the most followers, so if you are a job seeker, then it is logical to create a profile, which is intended for job search. The type of profile largely depends on the professional profile of the candidate. If the career is focused technology or Internet marketing, it is important to be careful and review the related profiles, as IT industry is quite specific about sorting of candidates based on their resumes.

Be yourself

You can highlight your strengths in a social profile without lying anywhere. Suppose, you received an application where the candidate has detailed his strengths on the resume and when you meet him in personal, you find that everything was false! Such a time waste! Lying on resume creates a very bad impression. May be you clear the first stage, but if the end turns out to be something other than what the company expected, the result could never be good. Companies put their candidates and employees on continual surveillance. It is always advised to highlight your outstanding values, especially if they relate to a job, as it is the best tool to show that you are the ideal candidate for the position.

Take care of your profile contents

It is obvious that after the recruiter/employer is done with the social profile of a candidate, he will explore all the information which you all them to see. In this regard, it is important that the candidate has taken care of his privacy, by locking his personal pictures, videos and other stuff. Make it is point to avoid unpleasant surprises and try to portray yourself as a professional before your prospective employers!

Rashmi Karan is a professional writer who has written for a plethora of job related websites. She writes about the latest job industry trends and offers solution to all career related queries and dilemmas, for e.g. suggestions about shaping career in Oracle

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